Modernize Faculty Affairs Processes

Built entirely for academia and uniquely faculty-friendly, Interfolio gives thousands of hours back every year around academic hiring, promotion/tenure, activity reporting, impact tracking, and more.

Our Products

With four modules that can be adopted in any combination, the Interfolio Faculty Information System meets your school or institution where you are.

Interfolio Faculty Search

Interfolio Faculty Search covers the whole academic recruitment process—including the job board and applications, confidential letters, fair committee review, diversity data, and the rest.

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Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure

Bring all current and past faculty review cases into a single view. Establish a shared source of truth about the current stage of each review, who is on the committee, and what the next step is. Identify disparities in review practices and better understand the impact on your administrative workloads.

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Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting

Drawing on millions of records through the Interfolio Data Service, the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting module powers CVs, web profiles, workload reports, accreditation, and other academic storytelling.

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Interfolio Lifecycle Management

Interfolio Lifecycle Management gives faculty affairs and provost’s offices an easy way to visualize scholar career paths and track academic appointments across the institution.

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“We are developing more effective, sustainable, and equitable relationships with our communities. Interfolio is part of how universities like ours tell this story.”

Tami Benham-Deal, P.E.D., Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, University of Wyoming

“Interfolio has been instrumental in meeting the complex and nuanced requirements of faculty hiring and reviews.”

Daisy Lemus, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs, California State University, Northridge

In use for over 20 years, Interfolio’s Dossier assists those who are applying to academic jobs, graduate or medical school, or other opportunities.

Interfolio’s Dossier

Use Interfolio’s Dossier to manage and send out recommendation letters, CVs/resumes, and other academic career materials.

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